Thank you attending Social Media Day Brooksville 2019!
The videos below are from Social Media Brooksville 2019. If you have any questions, challenges or concerns send a message via Facebook or schedule a video zoom call with Angel here ๐
We are going to move the files to a private area and we will notify you when this happens because you will need a username and password to view your content. PLEASE DON’T SHARE THIS PAGE with people that didn’t buy a ticket.
Listen to the 4 marketing areas you want to focus on.
Download the workbook with the 43 questions Angel Anderson asks clients during their $800 marketing sessions ๐ [Link]
This is your digital life with Megan A. Rosenberg, Esq
Megan shared what happens when you mix business emails with personal and how things you post on social media can affect your life and business legally.
Mike Puma, CMO for Century 21 Beggins
The second video is a short version of the above video.
How to do local marketing in 30 minutes or less per day.
Business Panel
Facial Expressions & Headshots with Vadim